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Cotswold Lakes Brew Co.
Cotswold Lakes Brew Co.

Cotswold Lakes Brew Co.

Purposeful beers brewed using surplus fresh bread from local Cotswold businesses.

Beer lover with a sustainable heart? Cotswold Lakes Brew Co.’s food waste-fighting beers will win you over with their equally excellent flavours and eco-friendly ethos. 

The recipe behind each of their brews (that’s a blonde, bitter, porter, lager, pale ale and cold-brew coffee stout, fyi) includes a special ingredient: loaves of surplus bread. 

Cotswold Lakes Brew Co. saves this bread from local Cotswold businesses, as part of a commitment to cutting down food waste, a mission driven by the fact that one third of all food is thrown away. Meanwhile, swapping out some malted barley for the surplus bread also reduces the beers’ carbon footprint. 

These thoughtful brewers are always looking for ways to make their processes and supply chain ever more sustainable. For instance, water that goes into the brewing is reused and recirculated where possible, while spent grain is passed on to local farmers. 

Beyond the beers, Cotswold Lakes Brew Co. also creates impact locally by contributing funding and volunteering hours to the Cotswolds Lakes Trust, supporting the conservation of their beautiful corner of the world. 

Given the variety and the fact that all are gluten-free and most are vegan – you’re sure to find a new fave beer in the range.

Meet The Founder

The Cotswold Lakes Brew Co. came to life when seven work colleagues with a taste for beer decided to try their hand at making it. 

This was partly out of pure curiosity, to understand the process of brewing and try to nail great-tasting beers. But they quickly decided to add something else to the brews: purpose. 

So since their beginnings in 2020, the Cotswold Lakes Brew Co. has also existed to solve bigger societal challenges, like reducing food waste, and to serve the local community with their collaborative and responsible spirit. 

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